Monday, 16 July 2012

Nature Still Flows

For me the last month or so has been a bit of a struggle and as a result I've been feeling quite creatively blocked.  Sometimes it's hard to see the joy and magic when everything seems so hard. Today I wandered around my yard seeking some joy and I realise that even if I am not flowing, nature is certainly still in full flow!!

My little winter garden is full of little surprises, colour and a reminder that we too are all part of nature and will inevitably once again flow and flourish.

"When you are low with nowhere to go remember this, when you open your eyes, your heart, your spirit, yourself, there you will find the stranger called hope." ~unknown

I bought this orchard plant about 2 years ago and was alive with beautiful golden flowers. It hasn't flowered since but it looks like this year it will once again bloom...

New life......

    Try to be like the turtle, at ease in your own shell ~ Bill Copeland

Thank you little garden for sharing your beauty and joy!


  1. Thank you for this... sometimes I feel like a turtle, and I'd NOT thought of it as at ease in my own shell, more that I was comfortable with going at my own pace...
    This gives me a whole new perspective.
    BEautimous photos to BEgin my day.

  2. Lovely post and awesome photos ~ Your garden is a delight and so good for me to read today ~ 'heat' has me feeling low in motivation and creativity ~ thanks! Wonderful! ~~ thanks, ^_^ (A Creative Harbor) on Blogger

  3. Beautiful photos! Nature gives us so much!

  4. Lovely photos, and I love the turtle quote...hadn't heard that one before. I always feel better after spending a little time outdoors :)

  5. Such beautiful photos... don't you lOVE nature? Regardless of inspiration (or lack thereof!), nature always makes me feel good. Thanks for posting! xox
